SUNDAY 28th January.
Got up at 11 after five hours of fragmented sleep. Checked out and walking through the casino saw one table of poker going on. Joined in it was $2/4 Limit some real interesting charachters here including the spitting image of Whoopi Goldberg. They were all good players and obviously thought that my money was up for grabs. My hand of the day came after about 30 mins, I had two Queens in first betting position so I just flat called expecting a raise behind me but four people called. Flop came down Queen, ten, nine two being hearts. I had three queens but because of the possible flush and straight draws I just called a bet from a player. Next card was a two of diamonds which wouldn't of helped anybody so I bet out. Now had two people left in with me. The last card came down and it was a 10 perfect card for me giving me a full house and the second best possible hand as only two 10's could beat me. Anyway the chap before me bet and I raised the other guy folded and I thought the first player would just call me however he raised again, I was almost certain he didn't have the two tens so I raised again, in Limit poker four bets is normally the most you can do per round but the dealer announced there was no cap on the river, I expect this is a ploy for the locals to get all the money out of the tourists. Anyway we carry on reraising until the dealer says you can put all your chips in the middle. I could anticipate the locals thinking that i had just lost all my money when I turned over my Queens and he turned over Ten Nine for a smaller full house. He was gutted and I had won over $80 on that one hand. I then played in a $40 Single table tournament. However you only get 1000 chips and with blinds of 50 and 100 there was no time to wait for a decent hand, I ended up coming fourth out of ten, just the top two got paid though, I lost with Ace 9 against 94 of clubs when he hit a flush on the river. Headed to the Sahara and checked in, carpets in the hallway were that garish that it gave me a headache, room was nice enough, however quite noisy as I overlook a carpark. Decide to get a couple of hours sleep and wake up about eight and go out again. Wake up, look at my newly purchased $10 watch and find it's 01.30 in the morning. Bugger. Therefore went back to bed again
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