Friday 26th January.
Had breakfast within the Plaza, Ham and eggs, when she asked how I wanted my eggs and I said slightly runny, she looked at me wierdly, must look at the terminology they have for their eggs or I might just say sunny side up next time, and see how they come out. Went looking for a bus to have a first look at the strip. Found it at the end of the Freemont Street experience, service called the Deuce costs $5 and you can use your ticket as many times as you like within 24 hours. Decide to get off towards the top end of the strip at New York New York. First impression of the casino's on the strip is that they are not half as big as I thought they would be from the outside. Had a walk around NYNY found the Irish bar and decide to see how good their Guinness is, not bad, however it was more of an eaterie than a bar and I got moved out of my seat so they could use the table for Diners. I asked if they had a Poker room and they said they didn't and told me to try the MGM which is connected via a walkway, however I take the wrong walkway and end up at the Excaliber, had a quick look around the casino and stumble across the poker room however there is only a couple of games going on so I pick up a leaflet about the tournaments they do and go away to look at the shops and the rest of the casino, before I know it i'm in the Luxor casino which is the one shaped like a pyramid, this is a bit more impressive.Took a look around and found the poker room, watched a game for a few mins and the players were terrible, one English girl and a couple of English lads didn't have a clue what they were doing. Found out it was only $1/$2 Limit so decide to have my first game in Vegas, the standard of play was awful and you had people calling bets all the way with nothing and hitting runner runner flushes or two pair on the river. Played for three hours and ended up even.Found out it was a beginners game upon leaving which does explain why the standard of play was so poor. However apparantly on learning the game the dealers emphasized that when you won a pot it was usual to tip the dealer $1. This adds up to quite a bit especially when the pot you win is only $12-$16.Met a chap from New Zealand who owns he's own company and was in Vegas for the World of Concrete convention. He asked if I fancied going for something to eat. Therefore went for a look and ended up in Mandalay Bay which is connected to the Luxor. Went in the Blues Brothers restaurant and I had a huge bowl of Jumbalaya (however you spell it) Really nice meal. Went back to the Luxor to play poker and enter a $2/$4 Limit game. I played for a couple of hours before getting tired and leaving made $55 profit, standard of play is terrible you can't get people to fold. Arranged to meet the chap from New Zealand again the next night as he's playing golf in the day. Got a taxi back to Plaza as couldn't find bus stop and was too tired to look around for it.
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