Saturday 27th January.
Decide to get the bus and get off at NYNY again and take a look around the same casino's as their are five connected and still loads to see.Went to MGM, wow this is a huge casino floor, biggest i've seen yet. Found a nice restaurant and had a Breakfast burrito very tasty. MGM has a big poker room with loads of games going on, I get a leaflet but decide to head to the Luxor poker room again as it has a deal whereby if you play 15 hours of poker before Tuesday they enter you into a freeroll with $3500 prize money. Apparantly their's not too many players enter this. Play $1/$2 No Limit, minimum and maximum buyin is $50, they also have three blinds when the table has more than seven players. $1$1$2. End up playing for five and a half hours, again very loose play but with a couple of really good players, one chinese women had me every time she was excellent, I had to move seat so I was behind her in the betting order at the end. I had some swings in this was $60 up early on then $40 down at one stage and then $100 up again however had one hand at the end I had AQ suited raised x4bb and had two callers, flop comes down A 5 7 with two clubs, I bet nearly the pot but he calls next card comes out a club and he bets out $20 I knew he had hit he's flush, and he only had $20 left but for some reason I decide to put him in for he's last $20. And he had played A6 of clubs so he wiped out my profit in that hand. Therefore I decided to leave as the table as it was now down to just 4 players so had made $1 profit. Lol.
Met a father and son from London at the table who had come over to play poker they said they played on Ladbrokes poker at home and when I told them my ID on Ladbrokes they said they had played me before. They asked if I wanted to go to have a steak but I had already arranged to go for a meal with the chap from New Zealand. We went to Manadalay Bay again and chose a restaurant called Chinese Grill.The name doesn't do it justice as it was definately in the top 10 meals i've had.Two courses and a bottle of wine came to £50 each and the food was amazing, had Crab rolls for starter and then a spicy Tuna steak, so many flavours, however looking around I think we were a bit underdressed for the place as everyone was dressed up on saturday night. Got a taxi to the Bellagio to take a look around, now this place is impressive. The poker room had really high stake games and some players had tens of thousands of dollars in front of them. Walked back to NYNY and had a Guinness in a bar opposite The Times square bar, huge queue's here of mainly girls to get in and sing along with the piano players, don't really see the attraction myself. Went back to the Luxor and played $2/$4 Limit poker until five in the morning, was drinking Becks dark every time the waitress came by, got extremely drunk by the time I left however still finished $25 in profit.Got back to hotel and was tempted to go straight to an English pub as they were showing football at seven in the morning however ended up phoning the wife and the kids which I can't remember much about. ;0) and then going to sleep for a couple of hours as I had to check out at 12.
Picture shows the Luxor poker room which was my home for most of my ten days.
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